Si us agrada un bon vi Chardonnay, us presentem el de Binigrau
El celler Binigrau de Biniali, ha creat aquest Chardonnay “Vi de la terra de Mallorca” fermentat i criat en roure francès durant 6 mesos.
En boca és sedós i equilibrat amb una acidesa agradable que ens du a un final llarg i espectacular on apareix unes aromes amb tocs florals.
If you like a good Chardonnay, we present the Binigrau
The winery Binigrau from Biniali, which produces wines with the domination of origin “Wine Mallorca” has created this Chardonnay fermented and aged in French oak barrels for 6 months.
The palate is silky and balanced with a nice acidity that leads to a long and dramatic where it appears with floral aromas.